Stanly C. Trent

Stanly C. Trent

Stanley C. Trent is Associate Professor of Special Education in the Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia. His current research foci include multicultural teacher training in special education, the disproportionate placement of culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students in special education programs and programs for the gifted, and inclusive education practices in urban schools.

His work in these areas appears in publications such as Exceptional Children, The Journal of Learning Disabilities, The Journal of Special Education, Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, Review of Research in Education, Remedial and Special Education, Teaching and Teacher Education, Multicultural Perspectives, Encyclopedia of Special Education, and the Handbook of Research on Multicultural Education. In addition, he has served as a guest editor for two journal issues focusing on the education of culturally and linguistically different exceptional learners. From 1999-2000, he served as an expert witness/researcher for the US Department of Justice where he identified reasons for disproportionate placement of CLD students in programs for students with intellectual or developmental disabilities and the gifted in Alabama. His unique professional experiences as a special education teacher, administrator, teacher educator and researcher have provided him with both the practical and theoretical knowledge needed to examine the implementation of education reforms, sustainability, teacher thinking, and instruction which positively affect the achievement of CLD learners with exceptionalities. In the year 2000, he received the Alpha Phi Foundation’s Professor of the Year Award, International. In 2002, he won the outstanding publication award for volume 25 of Teacher Education and Special Education.