Virtual Discussion 2: Virginia Educators in the Movement

In this webinar, the TIM research team reflects on interviews conducted with legendary Virginia educators. Panelists discuss how these educators' pedagogy and community work were instrumental forms of activism during the movement and beyond. They also describe their oral history methods. This webinar was co-sponsored by the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) Richmond organizing branch, ASALH of Central Virginia, Desegregation of Virginia Education (DOVE), and AARP Virginia.

Panelists include:
Derrick Alridge, Professor & Director of Teachers in the Movement
Michelle Evans Oliver, President of ASALH Richmond Organizing Branch
Carmen Foster, Research Associate & Consultant with Teachers in the Movement
Danielle Wingfield-Smith, Postdoctoral Scholar, Associate Director of Teachers in the Movement
Alexis Johnson, Graduate Research Assistant with Teachers in the Movement



Feel free to use and cite our interviews for your research! When utilizing our oral history collection, please give attribution to the interviewer, interviewee, and the Teachers in the Movement Project. The project is housed in the UVA School of Education and Human Development.

We encourage adherence to the Oral History Association's Best Practices when accessing, using, and citing any Teachers in the Movement interview or resource. These practices include: 

"All those who use oral history interviews after they are made accessible should strive for intellectual honesty and the best application of the skills of their discipline. This includes

a. avoiding stereotypes, misrepresentations, and manipulations of the narrator’s words;
b. striving to retain the integrity of the narrator’s perspective;
c. recognizing the subjectivity of the interview, including, when possible, verification of information presented as factual;
d. interpreting and contextualizing the narrative according to the professional standards of the applicable scholarly disciplines;
e. contextualizing oral history excerpts;
f. providing a citation to the location of the full oral history."

Video, audio, or texts of Teachers in the Movement interviews and may not be used for commercial purposes without permission from the Teachers in the Movement Project. Please contact us at